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Telltale Signs of Roof Hail Damage

Hailstorms are common here in Omaha, often leading to roof hail damage for home and business owners. Read on to learn about the telltale signs of roof damage after a hailstorm. 

Key Signs of Roof Hail Damage

Damaged Shingles

Shingles are particularly susceptible to hail damage. Whether your shingles are made out of asphalt, clay, slate, or any other roofing material, hailstones can be extremely destructive. 

Your shingles may be cracked, punctured, or missing altogether after a hailstorm. You can check for shingle debris or shingles that have completely broken off of your roof around the perimeter of your home after the storm. 

Asphalt Shingle Damage

If you have asphalt shingles, you may also notice bruising or missing asphalt granules after a hailstorm. When hailstones bruise asphalt shingles, you’ll see an indentation where the hailstone impacted the surface of the shingle. The protective layer of the asphalt shingles may also deteriorate in a hailstorm. In this circumstance, you may see small asphalt granules gathered around your home or in your gutter system. 

Even if your roof’s asphalt shingles are merely bruised or missing granules, it’s crucial to reach out to your Omaha roofing contractor for repairs. The durability of your shingles has been compromised in this scenario, making your entire roofing system more susceptible to severe damage, such as a leak. Repairing the damaged shingles sooner rather than later will keep the repair costs to a minimum and save you a great deal of stress. 

Slate Tile Damage

Slate tiles can also be significantly damaged after a hailstorm in Omaha. While slate tiles are known for their durability, hailstones that hit the surface of your roof with a high amount of force may leave holes all the way through your roof’s slate tiles. Holes in slate tiles caused by hailstones have clean edges, making it easy to discern roof hail damage from other types of roof damage. Just like with damage to asphalt roofing, you should have hail damage to a slate roof repaired immediately to avoid further complications. 

Window Damage

The exterior of your home’s windows can be damaged in a hailstorm. While window damage obviously doesn’t affect your roofing system, identifying the damage after a hailstorm is a simple way to identify whether or not roof hail damage is likely. 

You may notice damage to your windowsills, window casings, and window panes after a hailstorm. Hailstones may create dents in these parts of your home, diminishing their appearance and durability. 

In severe hailstorms, hailstones may crack or even shatter your window panes. You may also notice broken window seals after a storm. Especially for these serious types of window damage, it’s important to schedule repairs ASAP to keep your home protected against water damage and other outdoor threats. Additionally, you should schedule a roof inspection after seeing window damage from a hailstorm. Odds are that if the hailstorm damaged the windows, it also damaged your roofing system. 

Gutter Damage

Similarly to window damage, gutter damage can be a sign that your roof needs attention after a hailstorm in Omaha. Dented gutters, downspouts, and/or gutter screens are all common after significant hailstorms. Hailstones that are large enough to dent your gutter system are also large enough to dent your roof. 

After serious hailstorms, your gutter system may have a leak. This typically only occurs if the hailstorm created punctures in your gutters. Leaky gutters can eventually lead to water damage to the exterior of your home and even your home’s foundation. So, don’t leave a hail-damaged gutter system or roofing system alone – call in the roof repair experts to check it out.  

Insurance For Roof Hail Damage

Roof hail damage is covered in virtually all homeowners insurance plans. Homeowners insurance policies generally cover hazards that are out of your control, and hailstorms fall under this category. So, if your roofing system has been damaged in a hailstorm, you should file an insurance claim to receive compensation for the damage. At AGR Roofing and Construction, we provide insurance claim help so that you can receive compensation for roof hail damage repairs as quickly and easily as possible. Be sure to contact us as soon as possible after a hailstorm to start the process of filing a claim. The sooner you submit the claim, the better chance that it will have for approval.  

In This Article...

Key Takeaways

Signs of Hail Damage

  • Damaged Shingles: Cracked, punctured, or missing shingles.
  • Asphalt Shingle Damage: Bruised or missing asphalt granules, indentation, or deterioration.
  • Slate Tile Damage: Holes in slate tiles with clean edges.
  • Window Damage: Dents, cracks, shattered panes, or broken seals on windows.
  • Gutter Damage: Dented gutters, downspouts, screens, and potential leaks.
  • Promptly address these issues to prevent further damage.
  • Most homeowners insurance covers roof hail damage, so filing a claim is recommended.
  • Early claim submission increases the chances of approval.

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